Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Attribute and Spatial Queries

1. US cities that have more than 500,000 population are generally located in the east.

2. Separate State layer.

3. Cities in state. 

4. Cities in state with over 25,000 population. 

5. Roads that intersect my state 

6. Cities that lie within 50 miles of Lake Superior.  

7i. The following darker areas are more than 950 ft in elevation.

7ii. The following darker areas are between 925 and 1050 ft. 

7iii. These are areas that have less than 1000 ft in elevation and are also less than 50 degrees in slope. I assume the slope degree is set in the “z factor” box of the slope dialogue, i.e. putting 50 in there indicates all areas 50 degrees and under.

7iv. These are areas that have more than 1000 feet in elevation and less than 30 degrees slope. 

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